18Dec, 21 18 December 2021EasyEV Inc.

Internet Energy Consumption on the Rise

The internet and its infrastructure is growing. Data centres use about 1% of global electricity demand and rising. Introduce the Covid-19 pandemic and advanced adoption of virtual meetings, video chat and streaming are the result of increased demand for electricity.

In a 2021 report published by the International Energy Association, internet traffic increased over 40% in 2020. This was due to internet-based technology and its infrastructure. The 1% mentioned earlier, is approximately 200 to 250 Terawatt-hours, roughly the same amount of energy consumed by Australia (241TWh) or Mexico (267TWh) as whole nations, individually. This number, is projected to climb to 14% by 2040.

Most of this energy to support the internet is produced with non-renewable resources. In Manitoba, we are fortunate, that 96.8% of our total energy produced is hydro electric, 2.8% from wind. 0.05% solar and 0% from coal, or natural gas, but the world is still very reliant on the latter two. The largest 12 of 15 data centres are located in the United States or China, dependant on oil, gas and coal.

EasyEV Inc swtiches to GreekGeeks Eco-friendly web hosting.

GreenGeeks Preferred by EasyEV Inc. for Web Hosting

Businesses are finding sustainable ways to operate, mitigating negative impacts on the environment.

“It’s the little things,” says Marc Beghin, Founder of EasyEV Inc., this is why we moved away from the mainstream internet provider and sought-out a better solution.”

Beghin continues; “Being a new, modern-business, or non-traditional ‘bricks and mortar,’ we wanted to be leaders and reduce our impact. Eco-friendly web hosting is a simple and effective way of doing this.”

“We looked at a few providers in the space, but choose GreenGeeks Web Hosting. We liked how, they were not only ‘eco-friendly,’ but also off-set energy into the grid.” said Beghin.

GreenGeeks is recognized by the United States Environmental Protection Agency as a Green Power Partner, for 12 years now, since 2009. They are also a Green-e Partner of the Bonneville Environmental Foundation, offsetting 300% of their power consumption with renewable energy.

“All things aside, when looking at a service provider, competence and execution are important,” Beghin reveals, “we have had a good experience with GreenGeeks, and appreciate their support department and interface.

Moving in to the future, EasyEV Inc. is certainly a leading in the Manitoba market, poised to make the transition to electric vehicles simple for the consumer. Their network services, charging equipment and installation are compatible with numerous makes and models.

For more information on GreenGeeks.com, click this banner

Page References:

  • IEA (2021), Data Centres and Data Transmission Networks, IEA, Paris https://www.iea.org/reports/data-centres-and-data-transmission-networks
  • https://www.greengeeks.com/going-green
  • https://www.nrcan.gc.ca/science-and-data/data-and-analysis/energy-data-and-analysis/energy-facts/electricity-facts/20068
  • https://ourworldindata.org/energy-mix
  • https://www.datacenterknowledge.com/archives/2017/01/20/here-are-the-10-largest-data-center-providers-in-the-world